

Outdoor terrace

By Uncategorized

Outside terrace

Planning period

September – Oсtober, 2021


approx. 200 m²


  • Outside terrace;
  • Exterior lighting;
  • House facade;

In a quiet place in the Bavarian countryside stands a beautiful family house, enjoying the fresh air of the forest and the blue Lake Starnberg. Our task was to give the facade of the house a fresh color. At the same time, with the help of the selection and installation of appropriate outdoor lighting, it was possible to incorporate and reflect the cozy atmosphere of the surroundings. In addition, natural stone slabs were installed on the terrace to transform the courtyard into a pleasant place to spend time.

With the help of our implementation, in close consultation with our loyal client, it was possible to restore the authentic integration of the house into the landscape.

House renovation in Icking, 270 m²

By Projects, Uncategorized

House renovation


December 2020 – July 2021


ca. 270 m²


Core renovation with modernization and renovation of the house

1. Inventory
The property is a 390 m2 single-family house in southern Germany, which due to its age no longer met the current energy requirements and also had major visual defects. In addition to the visual and energetic restoration, a strong focus should be placed on the design in order to make the residential building particularly attractive and comfortable.

2. Problem definition
The aim of the refurbishment work was to restore the residential building in a contemporary way with regard to both aspects. In the course of planning and creating a schedule, an individual approach was chosen so that the needs of the customer could be optimally incorporated. The design was particularly challenging here, in order to meet the requirements for a unique design.

3. Implementation
The work was completed successfully and according to the agreed schedule. During the construction period, special works were carried out to completely renovate, modernize and refurbish the house. Thanks to the professional services of our specialists and the individual focus on the customer, the interior design could be adapted to the characteristic style of our client.

House renovation in Icking, 150m²

By Projects, Uncategorized

House renovation


January – April 2021


ca. 150 m²


Core renovation with modernization and renovation of the house

1. Inventory:
Our property is a 150m2 single-family house in the vastness of Bavaria from the 1960s. In order to be able to live comfortably and comfortably, it should be renovated and renovated.
The supporting structure was in good condition, but the building needed to be completely renovated. In addition, the roof had to be completely replaced because it no longer met the legal requirements for energy efficiency.

2. Problem definition:
When modernizing, the charm of the house should be retained while at the same time meeting the requirements for thermal insulation. At the same time, the customer’s wishes were taken into account and implemented in the interior design.

3. Implementation:
The work was successfully completed according to the agreed schedule. Appropriate modernization and conversion work was carried out during the construction period. With the professional services of our professionals, the interior design has taken on our client’s signature style.