
10 reasons why you should renovate your apartment

By August 10, 2023March 20th, 2024No Comments

10 reasons why you should renovate your apartment

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4 Min.

That’s why renovating your apartment is always the right decision.

Renovating your home is not only appropriate, but can also be economically beneficial, especially if done in a timely manner. Structural damage can result in significant renovation costs, but that’s far from all there is to a renovation. It also includes updates and modernizations that can increase comfort and reduce costs.

10 arguments for renovating your living space:

1. Your home is not just a place to live, but also an investment, possibly in your future retirement savings.

To maintain the value of the house, it needs to be maintained and updated regularly. This applies not only to the structure itself, but also to the interior.

2. Reduction in electricity costs.

For example, one way to reduce utility bills can be to insulate the roof, exterior walls, and plumbing. Did you know that up to 15% of energy can be lost through windows? Therefore, replacing old windows can be a legitimate investment, including improving soundproofing.

3. Efficiency of modern heating systems.

New heating systems use less energy, reduce environmental impact and protect your finances, and they can be partially financed by government funding.

4. Improving residential safety.

A good security system includes reliable burglary protection and fire-fighting equipment. Effective fire protection can include smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, which should be regularly maintained and replaced. By the way, faulty electrical wiring is often the cause of fires, so replacing them in a timely manner is also a wise step.

5. Take care of nature.

Efficient insulation and modern heating methods allow the house to retain heat, reducing costs and having a positive impact on the environment. When renovating, you can choose ecologically safe and resource-saving materials to support the well-being of nature.

6. Ensuring a healthy life.

In times gone by, many building materials contained substances that are now recognized as dangerous. Modern materials are safer and contribute to a healthy atmosphere. Inadequate insulation can promote the growth of mold, which is harmful to health.

7. Use renewable resources.

For example, by installing solar panels on the roof.

8. Improve living comfort.

You can modernize the bathroom or introduce smart home systems to increase your standard of living.

9. Think about the future.

When planning renovations, you should consider possible retirement needs: such as installing a threshold-free shower or expanding door openings.

10. Comply with legal regulations.

Some types of work, such as upgrading the heating system or insulation, may be required by law.

Don’t forget about government support: certain renovations, such as updating the heating system, insulating or adapting the house to the needs of older people, can benefit from KfW and BAFA financing programs. It is recommended that you seek advice on this matter.